Tenancy and Automate

Since CloudForms 4.0/ManageIQ Capablanca, all user operations have been performed within the context of a tenant, even if we don’t add any new tenants of our own. The default (i.e. top-level) tenant is known as tenant zero (although it actually has a tenant ID of 1), and all of the out-of-the-box groups are members of this tenant. We can of course define new tenants and groups within our organization, which will then form a tenant hierarchy under tenant zero.

Figure 1. A tenant hierarchy within an organization

Tenancy is very useful if we wish to sub-divide our organization into multiple semi-autonomous units that we can delegate a degree of authority to, and define quotas for. We create new RBAC groups, add our users to these groups, and we can then assign the groups to tenants or projects.


A project is a tenant that can have no child tenants of its own. A tenant object within Automate (see The Tenant Object) has an attribute $evm.root['tenant'].divisible that is true for a normal tenant, but false for a project.

Tenant Visibility Rules

In keeping with the organizational delegation concept, tenant users have visibility of some infrastructure or cloud components that have been defined or created elsewhere in the tenant hierarchy. For example if we refer to A tenant hierarchy within an organization, a user in the Europe tenant can see VM templates or service catalogs defined in any of the Europe, Sales or Bit63 tenants, but not in the Engineering, North America or Scandinavia tenants, nor the Wonder_Widget project. The same user can see VMs created in either of the Europe or Scandinavia tenants.

The tenant visibility rules are defined as follows:

Our Tenant

The following objects, when created by a tenant should only be visible within that tenant:

  • Automate requests

  • Automate tasks

Parent Tenant

If defined in a parent tenant, the following objects should be visible to any child tenant in its hierarchy branch:

  • Providers

  • Automate domains

  • Service catalogs

  • Service catalog items

  • VM templates or cloud images

Child Tenant

If created in a child tenant, the following objects should be visible to any parent tenant in the hierarchy branch:

  • Services

  • VMs & instances

If created in a child tenant, the following objects should not be visible to any parent tenant in the hierarchy:

  • Automate domains


The tenant visibility rules defined above for VMs and templates only apply if the user’s group role has VM & Template Access Restriction set to None. If we set the role’s access restriction to Only User or Group Owned the user will only have visibility of their own group’s VMs or templates, as expected.

Tag-related RBAC works within the confines of the tenant parent/child hierarchy. Adding a visibility tag to a tenant’s VM does not make the VM visible outside of these tenant hierarchy rules, even if a group in a different tenant hierarchy branch is defined as having the same visibility tag.

Tenancy Within Automate

All Automate operations include a tenant object that is accessible as $evm.root['tenant']. This object contains the details of the tenant context for the operation, and includes such useful information as the current quota allocation for CPUs, storage and memory for that tenant (see also Provisioning Quota Management).

The Tenant Object

The following object_walker extract shows the attributes, virtual columns and associations of the tenant object. with typical values (the object has no methods of its own):

--- attributes follow ---
$evm.root['tenant'].ancestry = 1   (type: String)
$evm.root['tenant'].default_miq_group_id = 17   (type: Fixnum)
$evm.root['tenant'].description = Engineering   (type: String)
$evm.root['tenant'].divisible = true   (type: TrueClass)
$evm.root['tenant'].domain = nil
$evm.root['tenant'].id = 2   (type: Fixnum)
$evm.root['tenant'].login_logo_content_type = nil
$evm.root['tenant'].login_logo_file_name = nil
$evm.root['tenant'].login_logo_file_size = nil
$evm.root['tenant'].login_logo_updated_at = nil
$evm.root['tenant'].login_text = nil
$evm.root['tenant'].logo_content_type = nil
$evm.root['tenant'].logo_file_name = nil
$evm.root['tenant'].logo_file_size = nil
$evm.root['tenant'].logo_updated_at = nil
$evm.root['tenant'].name = Engineering   (type: String)
$evm.root['tenant'].subdomain = nil
$evm.root['tenant'].use_config_for_attributes = false   (type: FalseClass)
--- end of attributes ---
--- virtual columns follow ---
$evm.root['tenant'].allocated_memory = 6442450944   (type: Fixnum)
$evm.root['tenant'].allocated_storage = 161061273600   (type: Fixnum)
$evm.root['tenant'].allocated_vcpu = 3   (type: Fixnum)
$evm.root['tenant'].display_type = Tenant   (type: String)
$evm.root['tenant'].parent_name = Bit63   (type: String)
$evm.root['tenant'].provisioned_storage = 167503724544   (type: Fixnum)
$evm.root['tenant'].region_description = Region 0   (type: String)
$evm.root['tenant'].region_number = 0   (type: Fixnum)
--- end of virtual columns ---
--- associations follow ---
$evm.root['tenant'].ae_domains (type: Association)
$evm.root['tenant'].ext_management_systems (type: Association)
$evm.root['tenant'].miq_groups (type: Association)
$evm.root['tenant'].miq_request_tasks (type: Association)
$evm.root['tenant'].miq_requests (type: Association)
$evm.root['tenant'].miq_templates (type: Association)
$evm.root['tenant'].providers (type: Association (empty))
$evm.root['tenant'].service_templates (type: Association)
$evm.root['tenant'].services (type: Association)
$evm.root['tenant'].tenant_quotas (type: Association)
$evm.root['tenant'].users (type: Association)
$evm.root['tenant'].vm_or_templates (type: Association)
$evm.root['tenant'].vms (type: Association)
--- end of associations ---

All of the useful service models that we interact with when automation scripting (such as miq_group, vm, or service for example) have a tenant_id attribute and a tenant association that we can use to determine tenant ownership, or retrieve the corresponding tenant object.

Tenant Domains

A tenant user with an RBAC role of EvmRole-administrator or equivalent can create a tenant-specific Automate domain. Such domains are useful for creating tenant-specific workflows, or to override wider organizational Automate schemes such as a VM naming policy.

A tenant domain will be visible and editable to all tenant users who have access to the Automate Explorer. The domain will appear visible but locked to any users in a child tenant who have access to the Automate Explorer.

Figure 2. Automate explorer view from an Engineering domain Administrator

The domain will not be visible to any users in a parent tenant who have access to the Automate Explorer (even if they have an RBAC role of EvmRole-super_administrator or equivalent).

Figure 3. Automate explorer view from a Bit63 domain Super Administrator

Tenant domains follow the same priority order as any other Automate domains, although only unlocked domains can be re-ordered in priority.

Writing Automate Code to be Tenant-Aware

Although the Automation Engine gives us a tenant object to refer to, the Engine does not execute our code within the confines of our tenant’s RBAC constraints or visibility rules[1]. For example $evm.vmdb(:vm).all will return to us the same unfiltered list of VMs, regardless of which tenant we call it from.

If we wish to present a list of existing VMs or available templates in a service dialog to a tenant user, we must apply our own tenant-related filtering to our dynamic method so that the correct lists are presented to users in different tenants. When we define a service catalog in our Bit63 tenant, a user viewing the dialog in the Europe tenant should see a different VM list to a user in the Engineering tenant, even though they are running the same code.

Fortunately the tenant object has an ancestry attribute that we can use. The ancestry values for the tenant hierarchy shown in A tenant hierarchy within an organization are as follows:

Tenant Tenant ID Tenant ancestry

Bit63 (tenant zero)















North America






Determining Visible Ancestral Tenants

We can use the ancestry attribute to calculate which ancestral tenants should be visible to our tenant, for example to determine the list of 'visible' infrastructure templates to present in a drop-down dialog element:

def tenant_infra_templates(tenant_id)
  $evm.vmdb(:template_infra).where(:tenant_id => tenant_id)

def tenant_ancestor_ids(tenant)
  return [] if tenant.ancestry.blank?

def ancestor_infra_templates(tenant)
  tenant_ancestor_ids(tenant).map { |t| tenant_infra_templates(t) }.flatten

def tenant_and_ancestor_infra_templates(tenant)
  tenant_infra_templates(tenant.id) + ancestor_infra_templates(tenant)

We can call the method as follows:

templates = tenant_and_ancestor_infra_templates($evm.root['tenant'])
Determining Visible Child Tenants

We can also calculate which child tenants should be visible to our current tenant. We might wish to do this to determine a list of VMs or services that should be visible to our tenant, for example.

def tenant_child_ids(tenant)
  child_ids = []
  child_ids << tenant.id.to_s  # include this tenant's ID
  $evm.vmdb(:tenant).all.each do |t|
    unless t.ancestry.blank?
      if t.ancestry.split('/').include?(tenant.id.to_s)
        child_ids << t.id.to_s

We can then use the VM object’s tenant_id attribute to match the virtual machines that are visible to this tenant user, as follows:

child_ids = tenant_child_ids($evm.root['tenant'])
vms = $evm.vmdb(:vm).all.select { |vm| child_ids.include?(vm.tenant_id.to_s) }


This chapter has shown how we can use Automate to our advantage when we sub-divide our organization into multiple tenants. We can allow child tenants to create their own Automate domains, enabling them to implement custom workflows, or to override enterprise-wide settings such as a VM naming scheme or placement policy.

We have also seen how we sometimes need to take tenancy filtering into account when we write our automation scripts - particularly for dynamic dialog methods - in order to comply with visibility rules.

As Super Administrators we need to exercise a degree of trust when we implement a tenant hierarchy, particularly when adding users with EvmRole-administrator or equivalent rights to the tenant. A tenant user with WebUI access to the Automate Explorer is able to access some 'global' Automate objects, and the output from $evm.log called from any tenant is always written into the common automation.log file.

1. Further tenant RBAC-enablement for Automate is in development, and we should get three new $evm methods in a future release of ManageIQ: enable_rbac, disable_rbac and rbac_enabled?

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